Web Hosting
Our service level guarantee starts at 99.9999% uptime. Get your company more efficient with our windows or linux cloud servers - call us today to get a fast and cost-effective hosting solution.
Domains Web Marketing
Web Tools
SSL Certificates
Everything you need to get your website operating at maximum efficiency.
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  • Mail Accounts

    - Why restrict yourself - most of our packages offer unlimited mail accounts.

  • Webmail

    - All your email, from any of your mail accounts can be viewed from anywhere in the world - all you need is an internet connection and any browser.

  • Alias Forwarding

    - Replicate your business infrastructure. Mail addressed to sales@ and info@ and marketing@ - can all be setup to be sent to Bob@. This is on the strict proviso that Bob infact works for your company - otherwise address it to that marketing guy... WhatsHisName.

  • PHP5

    - weBnerd continually update the core software on our servers thus providing you with the latest in ease of use tools to best utilise the internet.

  • Full range of MIME types

    - Our core software provides support for all those "other characters" (non-ascii) that you can't find on your keyboard.

  • CGI Email

    - Website forms to email solutions. Our geek buddies go to great lengths to make wwwform handlers sound sexier than Angelina's gym shorts.

  • RAID 1

    - Your data is spread across a number of disks rather than just one and information (using zero's and ones - that's digital baby) is available on how to reproduce in its entirety - any one of the disks, should such a disk fail... zzzz. Your data is safe.

  • Backups

    - Making your safe data even safer. Our system allows you to setup backups of prescribed data at any practical interval you can wish for.

  • Restore Backups

    - Built into the system, the same stuff allowing you to backup your data, is an equally smart system used to restore the information from its backed up state. Intuitive ways of only taking that that you need and not that that you don't.